I first started playing this game back in 2006. It was introduced to me by my bro. I continued playing this game while my bro's interest diverted to another type of online game called DOTA. I have been playing for several years now. Here are some of the pictures of this online game. I know i must grow up and stop playing these kind of childish games.. But somehow i enjoy playing this game.
Gamers spend hundreds and even thousands of ringgit buying clothes for their characters to wear in this game. As u can see in the picture the characters represent the gamer. Every gamer has their own character. Its up to them how they want their characters to look like in this virtual world. They can then purchase clothes, shoes, hair styles and even wigs in the item shop.
Unlike other gamers i prefer spending my money investing on clothes and stuff i can actually use and wear. This looks like a simple game. But trust me it is actually not as simple as you think it is.